
From SNAZpedia

Not to be confused with megastructures

A megacorporation (shorted to megacorp and alternatively known as a privatized government) is a space-faring civilization that is focused primarily on trade with other civilizations, even primitive civilizations, and all government actions are dictated by a corporate or market entity instead of a representative entity. Megacorporations usually form as a corporate entity takes over their government in all aspects, including laws, civilian programs and services, infrastructure, and military.; this can be accomplished by absorption, a degree of lobbying that renders the state and market inseparable by influence, or a corporation stepping in the place of the government when it collapsed.

Megacorporations are given the "Mega-" prefix in definition due to their area influence spanning at least their entire home planet that they originate from.

The Mega 10

The Mega 10 is a listing of ten of the most prominent megacorporations

The Mega 10 are expanded upon in a separate article.


Privatized governments do not engage in diplomacy with an actual face, but rather represent themselves as the business itself. All civilians within the government have no power or influence other than providing market demand and creating products. This kind of government does have sub-types for further structural qualities.


Leaders in this type of government are titled CEOs, Founders, and Managers. However, as leaderships in these governments are often kept secret, details are unknown at this time.


Subtypes of this government do exist, though do not include changes to how leaders are elected. There can be two foci and one stance.



Militarist megacorporations dedicate most of their productivity into creating weapons and waging wars. To them, war is business. Some militarist megacorporations may produce weapons of mass destruction or tools for hostile terraforming of planets and habitations.

More products this type of government focuses on making:

  • Weaponized star ships
  • Combat AIs
  • Espionage services
  • Trade protection services

Megalogistical or Hyperlogistical

This type of megacorporation focuses on the creation, design, and/or management of megastructures; they may be based on a habitable megastructure. Hyperlogistical megacorporations focus on the creation, design, and/or management of hyperstructures; they may be based on a habitable hyperstructure.

More products this type of government focuses on making:

  • Motherships
  • Arcologies
  • Mass-scale management AI systems
  • Celestial weapons


Civilian megacorps focus on civilian-grade products, including, but not limited to: furniture, media, infrastructure, appliances, and electronics. They value or fabricate a luxurious life style for all of their own citizens.

More products this type of government focuses on making:

  • Universities
  • Research
  • Civilian star ships
  • Media farms


Megacorporations focused on mining create technologies and devices developed to maximize mining outputs. Many mining-focused megacorps often specialize in off-world mining (astromining), but on-world (planet harvesting) specializations do exist.

More products this type of government focuses on making:

  • Civilian star ships
  • Plasma weapons
  • Sensor technologies
  • Space stations



Exploitative megacorporations take everything they can find, even if it's outside of their territories, and try to make the most out of said resource, asset, or location as possible, even to the point of it's destruction or complete exhaustion. The corporate entity in question has full control over foreign markets.


A franchised megacorporation has no centralized location, and instead set up locations within the borders of other civilizations. The corporate entity in question has partial control over foreign markets.


Any other privatized government is not allowed to operate in the borders of the civilization that rules supreme. They will often create unprovoked wars against other megacorporations in or around their territory, and will attempt to establish a monopoly. The corporate entity in question has full control over the native market.


Competitive megacorporations, while rare, do break themselves apart and allow outside competition in their borders, while still enforcing anti-trust laws to avoid the creation of monopolies. The corporate entity in question has partial control over the native market.

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