Monic Bands

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The Monic Bands are the separate factions of the Skickmon species that ultimately elect representatives that all stand under one flag. They reside within the Milky Way galaxy. Each representative votes on an ultimate action for the Monic Bands' territories and diplomatic relationships as a whole.

These factions may change their policies at any time, so it is not advised to visit or trade with them for long periods of time. They may chose to attack targets on a whim.

They are not a member of the Galactic Council of the Milky Way, and do not have any allies with any known civilizations. Political in-fighting is common within the Monic Bands. They are considered a medium-class threat to other civilizations.



The Monic Bands were founded on Erebus IV, but they now have four homeworlds on Erebus IV, Erebus V, Orion II, and Orion III. Each faction belongs on a different homeworld.



This conservative faction resides on Erebus IV, and their primary focus is on exterminating alien species that displays any level of gene-editing technology. They are often described by their own kindred as a "backwards" faction that refuses to accept new tradition, even at the cost of their GDP.

Genenom, on average, faces famine on Erebus IV every 3 orbits, with the government neglecting to address the current pollution crisis. Genenom is projected to fall in the Earth Year 2045 due to the rapid decay of biological supportability of their planet.


The second faction that was founded, Terravilla, is focused on terraforming technologies, though they prefer to avoid using genetic modification to achieve results. Like Genenom, they dislike gene editing tech, but do not suffer any cultural or diplomatic penalties from their dislike. Terravilla develops other solutions to situations that arise in their government and environment. Their homeworld is the terraformed Erebus V.


The third faction that was founded was the splinter of Terravilla. After winning their independence from Terravilla, they work on gene-editing technology in secret, while still also applying Terravilla technologies to their projects as a facade. The Numi-Vistas have the highest-ranked GDP of all the factions combined, which despite their actions, makes them the most liked faction for civil trade. Their homeworld is the terraformed Orion II.


The fourth faction began from a rogue band of pirates that were outcast from within their own societies on Erebus IV and Erebus V. They remain neutral on genetic engineering, while focusing on voidborne technology. Their civilization is inside the orbital ring around Orion III, a gas giant that sources many organic food products and gaseous elements for industry. To this day, only the Quarrii faction has developed a megastructure out of all the factions.


The Monic Bands were formed 400 Erebus IV orbits after the Wulocks, hired by the Umbral Coalition, had visited the planet before the Skick were even sapient in attempts to uplift the species into the Umbral Coalition. However, this backfired, and the genetic editing modified each individual put through in full. Only some members, who were now of a different subspecies, gained sapience in the process, gaining an ingrained hatred for their uplifters. With these upbringings, the Monic Bands are the first recorded civilizations that rose due to Traumatic Intervention.

Notable technologies

Some factions in the Monic Bands feature unique ship designs meant to be self-sustaining for small crews, instead of having to refuel and restock. They have excellent recycling technologies, along with orbital station life support technologies.


The Monic Bands only has a few trade sectors open at a time. Elements such as copper, plutonium, and iron are in high demands at all times, and they trade out resources such as durrasteel and hydroponic solutions.

Trading is best performed at specified docking ports of Orion III's orbital ring.


The Monic Bands is currently unable to be contacted by anyone who is not in the Normalic Federation.

Diplomatic Alignment

This civilization tends to be a militaristic and xenophobic entity in the Milky Way. They will violently push away any who are unlike them. Only surface-level diplomacy like one-time trades will be performed with a degree of cooperation.

4-Axis System (What's this?)
Cooperative O O Pacifist O O Religious
Capital X Collective
Technological O O Militant O O Isolationist

Current Wars

This civilization declared a War of Total Eradication on the Umbral Coalition, citing the Xenonian, Rad'ion, Nyral Wyrm, Bloodmind, Sluum, and Ewarden species as their targets.

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