The Borgi

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Flag of the Borgi

The Borgi are a pseudo-concrete civilization that occupies 5,000+ star systems and interact with other civilizations and wanderers as salesmen looking to rip citizens off whenever possible. They are registered as a megacorp on many Galactic Trade Vendor stations and are found in nearly every galaxy that isn't Wild Space or a Dark Forest. They are lead by the Borgimus Supremus.

They stand with #1 ranking within the Mega 10.

The Supremus

The Borgimus Supremus acts as the hivemind's source, with fifty Borgimus Minerousii in standby in case if the Supremus is ever taken down.

In the case that the Supremus is ever destroyed, the Minerousii battle to the death, with the last one standing becoming the new ruler of the gestalt. The resulting Supremus is then transferred into the Father Ship through CPU and storage drive transfer. Fifty military-built Borgi will be elected as Minerousii to continue the cycle.


Borgi trade features the exchange of goods and services for energy cells. However, they do generate products from scrapping abandoned ships, astromining, and constructing elaborate stripmines on metal-rich planets.

If a customer of theirs is unwilling to accept their prices, or can not cover fees, the Borgi will develop fees that customers never know about unless if they read their terms of service at statement 67, a.308: IF UNWILLING TO PAY. Many of these fees may result in anything from the customer losing a piece of their starship, to being forcefully assimilated into the Borgi consciousness. They always attach high prices to goods and services, unless if attaching a price tag to one of the 400 Protected Goods and Intel ends up breaking Universal Law.


The Borgi offer services such as revival insurance, starship construction & repair, megastructure engineering, FTL engine servicing, and squadron units.

Borgi will not offer services in sectors currently infested with the Bloodmind, nor do they gather or accept Bloodmind Intel, as they legally can not capitalize on it. No matter what, they will not offer any discounts, unless if it's Borgi-to-Borgi trade.


The Borgi are simply the Borgi: robotic constructs built into various forms for different tasks. Members also include ships that have their consciousness implanted into them. Their forms are commonly purple, geometric metal, with black LED screens featuring only red crystals as their faces.

Borgi drones are varied in their shapes and forms, but tend to be blocky and stout in appearance. Only the Supremus has a rounded screen, Drones and Minerousii only feature square or rectangular screens.


The Minerousii of The Borgi are a caste above the drones, but not the Supremus. Only fifty Minerousii are allowed to exist at once. Minerousii are no different from Drones other than their ranking in the caste system; they are, however, stored in idle mode in secure locations on the mothership.


The Borgi have extremely potent military technology, carrying planet-cracking energy beams in their motherships, starship-melting energy beams in capital ships, and parasitic deconstructor nanites in the rest of their vessels.

If there is a planet-bound group that poses a reasonable threat disruptions the Borgi's way of trade, the Borgi has a variant of Grey Goo that turns all organic life into more Borgi, along with gradually turning the planet into a ship factory until nothing remains.