
From SNAZpedia

XEN-789 is a slime ocean planet with a lead-rich atmosphere and serves as the homeworld of the Umbral Coalition. It has a radius of 11103.24 km (6,899.233 miles) and a surface gravity force of 11.989 m/s2. 89% of its surface is covered in ocean. Nearly 100% of XEN-789's surface is entirely composed of living superorganisms. This planet has an average surface temperature of 16 C.


XEN-789 is rich in the following resources:

  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Gallium
  • Carbon
  • Uranium
  • Mutagens
  • Organic matter:
    • Slime
    • Bones
    • Neural tissue


XEN-789's atmosphere is mainly composed of lead (55%) and sulfur (33%). Other elements have been detected in lesser amounts:

  • Carbon
  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Radon
  • Hydrogen
  • Helium
  • Neon

Surface hazard advisories

"XEN-789 is not a tourist attraction in any way, unless if you are a toxoid. Only visit it when you have business there." - The Complete Tour Guide of the Milky Way, Shibunii Terras

Carbon-based lifeforms will immediately cease homeostasis when exposed to XEN-789 atmosphere and biosphere without any protection. Many enigmatoids have reported mind-altering effects of the atmosphere.

Flora advisories cover the entire surface area.

Fauna advisories are issued to the planet's wilderness regions.

Many advisories have been issued to sapient life forms who may be visiting this planet:

Species-specific travel advisories
Species Advisories (Hazards) Effects Issued by Advised proceedures
Shibunii Fauna, Atmospheric, Flora, Radioactive, Microbial Cancers, death, lead toxicity, brain damage, loss of limbs, infection, psychosis Shibunii Terras Wear complete, All-Hazard Protection Suits. Regularly check for holes or tears in fabric and cracks in glass and gas tanks.
Borgi Atmospheric Corrosive atmosphere leads to fatal structural damage. Shibunii Terras & The Borgimus Avoid planetary surface if possible, else limit exposure to 0.5 XEN-789 days
Terrans Fauna, Atmospheric, Flora, Radioactive, Microbial Cancers, death, lead toxicity, brain damage, loss of limbs, infection, psychosis Shibunii Terras Wear complete, All-Hazard Protection Suits. Regularly check for holes or tears in fabric and cracks in glass and gas tanks.
Crysilis Fauna, Microbial, Psychoactive Wildlife reported to maul even the strongest individuals, Radiance Plague, and unidentifiable mental influence. Shibunii Terras Wear hazmat suits with oxygen tanks, limit time on surface to 6 XEN-789 days to avoid psychoactive effects.
Humans Fauna, Atmospheric, Flora, Radioactive, Microbial Cancers, death, lead toxicity, brain damage, loss of limbs, infection. Atmosphere is unbreathable. Umbral Coalition AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
Rad'ions Psychoactive Causes madness in entities. Umbral Coalition Limit surface exposure to 2 days at a time.
Sartex Atmospheric, Fauna Atmosphere is extremely corrosive and destroys life support systems, animals think metal is tasty and frequently attack life support systems, resulting in death. GUARDIOX SECTOR A Apply compounds to life support systems that prevent corrosion, do not engage local fauna.
Nyral Wyrms Atmospheric Atmosphere features compounds that corrodes shells and exposes the nucleus of some wyrms, can result in death and spontaneous explosion, and release radiation into the area. The Gamii Hive BANNED FROM PLANETARY SURFACE FOR CREATING NUCLEAR WASTE
Nyral Wyrms Atmospheric Wyrms expire in the atmosphere, creating nuclear waste that cannot be easily removed, creating additional planetary hazards as a result. Umbral Coalition Nyral Wyrms have been banned from visiting XEN-789

Environment (Biosphere)

The biosphere present on XEN-789's surface and underground is extremely rich, with entire landmasses being superorganisms. Microbes, including bacteria and viruses are condensed into large bubbles in the upper atmosphere forming clouds; microbial rain is common during afternoons on the planet.

Fauna, including Sluhges, Pyrons, and Wy'vans, are reported to be hyper-aggressive. There are no herbivores in the biosphere, outside of the 64 recorded omnivores. Cave fauna are all carnivorous.

Flora on this planet's surface are all parasitic and source their nutrition on the superorganisms that act as landmasses.

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